Here at Streetfilms we are excited to officially announce the debut of our ten-part series "Moving Beyond the Automobile." Each Tuesday over the next ten weeks, tune in to Streetfilms -- we'll be posting a new chapter about smart and proven strategies to reduce traffic and improve street safety for all users.
We'll be tackling many fascinating topics in the next few months, from Bus Rapid Transit to congestion pricing to car share, to show how each can help people to drive less -- or not at all.
We've been out talking to the experts. Well-respected voices like former Bogotá mayor Enrique Peñalosa, the Tri-State Transportation Campaign's Kate Slevin, NYC Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, Portland Mayor Sam Adams, former four-term Mayor of Milwaukee and President of the Congress for New Urbanism John Norquist, and dozens of other transportation authorities across the country to get their input and advice.
At about the halfway point of the series, we'll also be posting a Moving Beyond the Automobile curriculum that includes lessons and discussion points for each of these fun and important films.
Streetfilms would like to thank The Fund for the Environment & Urban Life for making this series possible.