- PPW Reports: The News Celebrates Safety Gains, Post Boosts Data-Doubting Opponents
- Brooklyn Spoke and Tom Vanderbilt Slap Down NBBL Illogic
- Cuomo Open To Replacing "Onerous" Payroll Tax, Hasn't Met With Walder Yet (Post)
- Russianoff and White: Cuomo Must Stop Raiding Dedicated Transit Funds (News)
- E-Z-Pass Lanes on Henry Hudson Go Gate-Free, First Step to End of Tollbooths (Post)
- Marty Golden to Rep State Senate on Powerful MTA Capital Program Review Board (NewsLI)
- MetroNorth Wants 500 More Parking Spaces, Not TOD, at White Plains Station (LoHud)
- Post Continues Its Attack With Letters Blasting Sadik-Khan for Snow Response, Defending Ray Kelly
- Two Drivers Hit, Kill Cyclist Riding on the BQE (Bklyn Paper)
- Upper Manhattan Added to Mayor's Street Hail Livery Cab Plan (DNAinfo)
- Rodriguez Bill on Alternate Side Parking Has 33 Co-Sponsors and Backing From Two BPs (Queens Chron)
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