We've got a few post-blizzard shots from the Streetsblog Flickr pool to share this afternoon. Reader BicyclesOnly took this pic of the Sands Street approach to the Manhattan Bridge, crammed full of parked cars this Sunday. Apparently, in the anything goes period after the blizzard, the bike path became a de facto parking lane and stayed that way after spots had thawed out on the other side. I rode in to work on this path yesterday and there were still a few cars stored on the westbound bikeway, pushing cyclists into traffic. The bridge itself was clear of snow, but a little constricted on the ramp up on the Brooklyn side.
If you're looking for some inspiration to start all-weather biking, reader Benjamin Running submitted this shot of someone prepared to take on slushy Bedford Avenue after the storm. I'm guessing he's not quite as decked out as this guide from the Toronto Star recommends (via Transportation Nation).

And we'd be remiss not to point you to this video commentary, also from BicyclesOnly, about riding out the blizzard on two wheels and the relative practicality of cycling and driving in terrible winter weather.