A couple of follow-ups on yesterday's bike rack post.
First, we noticed a very nice photo that reader Evan G recently posted to our Flickr pool (at right). It shows a sign that directs riders to expanded bike parking facilities at the Santa Monica Central Library in California. We love to see this kind of thing -- check out the polite tone! It's a great acknowledgment from a DOT that bikes are truly an integrated part of a municipality's transportation system, deserving of respect and consideration.
Next, another reader pointed us to a bike rack project administered by the Albany/Schenectady/Troy bus service in New York, the CDTA. They've got a $50,000 annual budget to help private and public entities buy racks (private businesses get a 50/50 match, while the public and non-profit sectors get the racks for free).
Our tipster points out:
Combined with the fact that all [CDTA] buses have bike racks on the front, this should greatly expand the area their existing routes can serve.
We'd love to hear any more bike rack success stories in the comments.
More from around the network: Transit in Utah has a report on traveling around the Salt Lake City area using transit. Human Transit writes about "treating buses like ambulances" in Barcelona. And City Parks Blog makes the connection between parks, transportation and public health.