- Transit Taxes Come Up Short Again, Widening MTA Budget Gap (City Room, SAS)
- NIMBYs Make Noise at Last Night's Hearing on Union Square Street Changes (Post)
- Outrage in Greenpoint Over McGuinness Blvd Death Toll (Brooklyn Paper)
- Everyone Agrees Peds and Buses Come First on 34th Street, Except the Guy From 'Reason' (NYT)
- Excellent Gothamist Riposte to Silly, Paranoid Take on 34th Street From Steve Cuozzo
- What Do the Electric Car and Peak Oil Have in Common? (Planetizen)
- City Figured Out How to Give Parking Tickets to Drivers Registered Out-of-State (News)
- MTA Trims $2 Billion From Capital Plan (WNYC)
- Pogan Trial, Week 2: Dude, We All Saw the Cop Knock Down the Cyclist (News, Gothamist, NY1)
- New York State Has Lowest Per-Capita Gas Consumption in the Nation (Infrastructurist)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill