- Sorry, Transit Riders: Senate Jobs Bill Looks to Maintain the Transpo Status Quo (MTR)
- MTA to Cut 1,000 Jobs, Including Hundreds of Station Agents (News, NYT)
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- Suspect Sought in Erinn Phelan Hit-and-Run; Locals Want Safer Flatbush Ave (News, Bklyn Paper)
- Michael Daly, Next American City: It's Past Time for NYC to Lower and Enforce Speed Limits
- Traffic Safety Expert: Don't Underestimate the Dangers Posed by DWL (NYT)
- Hey "New York" Post: 600 "Meaningless" Lives Won't Be Derailed on Broadway in Next Decade (RPA)
- Raging Sociopath Hospitalizes Man for Touching His Car (Gothamist)
- Cops: They Don't Call It Park Circle for Nothing (Gothamist)
- Who Knew? Bronxites Still Waiting for Return of Yankee Stadium-Area Parkland (FOS)
- London Needs 27,000 Bike Parking Spots. Now. (IBL)
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