Streetsbloggers are encouraged to come out this Wednesday and join Clarence Eckerson and Kim
Wiley-Schwartz from the Livable Streets Initiative, along with Amanda
Gentile from Brooklyn Green Team and author Elizabeth Royte, for a
panel discussion after a screening of the "No Impact Man" documentary.
In case you're still unfamiliar with No Impact Man, here's the official film promo blurb:
Author Colin Beavan, in research for his next book, began the NoImpact Project in November 2006. A newly self-proclaimedenvironmentalist who could no longer avoid pointing the finger athimself, Colin leaves behind his liberal complacency for a vow to makeas little environmental impact as possible for one year. No moreautomated transportation, no more electricity, no more non-local food,no more material consumption … no problem. That is, until hisespresso-guzzling, retail-worshipping wife Michelle and their twoyear-old daughter are dragged into the fray. Laura Gabbert and JustinSchein's film provides a front row seat into the familial strains andstrengthened bonds that result from Colin's and Michelle's strugglewith this radical lifestyle change.
And here are the event details:
WHEN: Wednesday, September 16, 7:20 p.m.WHERE: Angelika Film Center, 18 W. Houston St. (at Mercer St.), ManhattanCOST: $12.50 adults; $9 for seniors and children
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I am so hoping for a Jeff Klein cameo.