Hang Chau is a future medical student who researched block parties and public health as an undergrad in Philadelphia, and is now organizing more in San Diego. In a new StreetsWiki entry on block parties,
she examines the way these public community events encourage people to
invest in their neighborhoods by highlighting the positive (outdoor
fun, personal connections) rather than the negative (litter, crime):

When neighbors know one another, they know who belongs on the street and are more likely to respond to suspicious activity. [One] examination of the effects of family ties shows that respondents who know more families in their neighborhoods are more likely to engage in neighborhood improvement activities; block parties facilitate the creation of those relationships.
Rounding out: Tom Harned, a New Haven-based transportation planner, shares some helpful insight into Level of Service measurement; Harlem & Hamilton Heights LS encourages you to give your feedback on NYC's new BRT plans; and PA Walks and Bikes shares news of a Safe Routes to Schools grants program. We also welcome a new UK-based Spanish language group Los peatones opian, a forum for Portland, Oregon street repair, and a discussion group to ensure that the new LAPD chief is livable streets-friendly.