- Drivers Kill Three Pedestrians in Separate Collisions Throughout City (News)
- Pedestrian Broadway Fails to Induce Carmaggedon During Rush Hour (Post)
- Meet the People Who'll Be Complaining About the New Times Square (Post, News, City Room)
- More Griping from Andrea "Real NYer" Peyser and Furniture Design Critics (Post)
- Hope Cohen: Make Broadway Car-Free From Union Square to Columbus Circle (News)
- More Praise for Car-Free Broadway (MTR)
- Anthony Weiner, Stickball Enthusiast, Won't Be Running for Mayor (NYT, News, Post)
- Now Drivers Can Erase Points From Their Records By Playing Video Games (Newsday)
- Report: Platform Defects Pose "Widespread Safety Hazard" in Subway Stations (News, Post)
- Biking to Work Can Get Sweaty (City Room)
- Bikes Outsold Cars in First Quarter of 2009 (Set Energy via Streetsblog.net)
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