Dear Streetsbloggers,
We will be offline starting tomorrow morning as we transition Streetsblog to its new design. Barring unforeseen technological catastrophes, we aim to have the new site up and running by the end of day Wednesday. We apologize in advance for depriving any of you junkies of your daily fix of headlines, news and commentary.*
The new web site puts together Streetsblog, Streetfilms, a new site called Streetswiki, and an updated version of our New York City Streets Renaissance community-building tools into one cohesive package that we're calling the Livable Streets Network.
Streetsblog isn't exactly broken, so why, you may be wondering, are we fixing it? We have two goals in mind. First and most simply, it's been two years, almost to the day, since we launched Streetsblog. That's a long time in blog years, and an updating of the site's look, feel and functionality is past due. Second, and more significant, our goal is to build a movement by facilitating grassroots organizing, advocacy and information-sharing
among Livable Streets activists in cities around the world. We hope that these new tools and resources will help to do that.
* If you're like me and you feel like you can't bear to go a day without reading a Larry Littlefield comment, his blog can be found here.