- After 60 Years, Streetcars Make a Comeback in Paris (Spiegel)
- Another NY'er Slaughtered by a Private Sanitation Truck (NBC)
- Chelsea Piers Wants Another Driveway Across Hudson Greenway (NYTurf)
- Study: NYC Losing Millions From Out-of-State Car Registrations (NCG)
- This Week: Fate of Atlantic Yards Project Hinges on One Man (NLG)
- New MTA Boss Sander Vows to Complete 2nd Ave. Subway (Sun)
- LIRR to Grand Central Project to Get Federal $$$ (NY1)
- Skiers vs. Snowmobilers in a Utah Canyon (NYT)
- Horse Riders vs. SUV's in a California Suburb (NYT)
- Hit-and-Run Killer of 12-yo Turns Himself In (News)
- Sociopathic Acura Ad Urges You to "Embrace" Your Aggression (Stay Free)