Three mornings a week I ride past the South Brooklyn Casket Company on Union Street with my two-year-old son strapped to the back of my bicycle on our way to the nursery school. Though the Casket Company always has trucks parked and unloading all over the sidewalk (and someone, I assume it's the boss, likes to park his Mercedes right next to the building's front door), I've always had a real soft spot for the Casket Co.. It is one of the last functioning light industrial companies in the neighborhood. And I know that my block, the stretch of little townhouses on the south side of Union between 4th and 5th was once filled with Italian funeral parlors. Bearing the pre-gentrifcation name, "South Brooklyn," the Casket Company is one of the last genuine remnants of the old neighborhood.
So, it was doubly depressing to hear that a Casket Company truck driver blew through a red light and ran over and killed a 6-year-old boy in Sunset Park yesterday. It is triple depressing that guy doesn't even get charged with anything. What is going to make New Yorkers stop driving like careless, sociopathic maniacs when there is absolutely no enforcement, no penalty and not a peep from the Mayor or any other elected official -- even when a child is slaughtered by a trucker who told police he was trying to beat a red light?
Here is Gothamist's coverage of the sad, disturbing story:
Yesterday afternoon, a 6 year old boy was fatally hit by a truckin Sunset Park. The boy, Andy Vega, apparently ran ahead of his babysitter whencrossing Third Avenue and 46th Street, and a truck carrying empty coffins fromMilso Industries struck him. The driver stayed at the scene.
Another pedestrian, Randolph Charles, who was crossing the street at the sametime toldthe Post, "The boy was on the other side of the street. We were bothcrossing. The truck was coming, and all I heard was a big bang. The truck ran ared light. We had the walk sign. I told him, 'You know, you just hit the kid.'And he said, 'I thought I had the green light.' Then he grabbed his head, andyou could see he was in shock."
Granted, it sounds like this whole thing was a horrible accident and the driver is shattered. But why, in New York City, do killer drivers consistently walk away from the scene of the crime with little more than a summons? How in the world is that O.K.? In the Spring of 2004 Transportation Alternatives Magazine ran a Q&A with veteran Brooklyn prosecutor Maureen McCormick, head of the Vehicular Crimes
Bureau at the Brooklyn District Attorney's office. Here is what she said:
T.A. Executive Director John Kaehny: Let's say a mom is walking hand in hand with her young son across the street. They are coming back from a nice morning in the park, it's broad daylight, they are in the crosswalk and have the walk signal. Suddenly, a motorist runs the red light and kills them both. The motorist pulls over and is found to be sober. Would that motorist be charged with a crime?
A.D.A McCormick: Limited to those facts, that motorist would be summonsed for running a red light. A criminal prosecution requires showing that the motorist ran the red light because of more than carelessness or inadvertence. The driver's behavior at the time of running the light is usually the only way to prove the driver's state of mind. The state of a person's mind is a difficult thing to prove. They don't generally yell out "I'm going through this light on purpose."
Photo by Venus in Furs on Flickr.