Donovan Richards
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Chaotic Rockaways Intersection to Get Bike and Pedestrian Upgrades in 2027
The seven-way junction is a nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists.
Queens BP Says ‘Yes’ to Adams Zoning Plan, But ‘No’ to Ending Costly Parking Mandates
Borough President Donovan Richards draws a hard line on parking mandates, recommending the city keep them in low-density areas.
‘City of No’: Queens Borough President Suddenly Joins ‘Suburban’ Crowd Demanding More Parking
Queens Borough President Donovan Richards says "no" to eliminating parking mandates citywide.
‘Suburban’ Queens Stalwarts Take Hard Line Against Housing — To Rest of City’s Detriment
“That's what they bought in the suburbs for, that's why they raised their family in the suburbs," said Council Member Joann Ariola, whose district contains 14 subway stations.
Boob Tube: Brooklyn, Queens Leaders Want DOT to Fix Dangerous Conduit Ave.
The borough presidents of Brooklyn and Queens say it is "urgent" that the Department of Transportation transform the crash-prone sluice.