Prospect Park
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New Fights over Space in Prospect Park After Cyclist Hits Pedestrian
After a crash, the park is experiencing the latest (and very predictable) cycle: cops have flooded the park, tension is on the rise, and vigilantes are plying their dangerous trade.
Survey: Prospect Park East Loop Redesign Going Over Well Enough
Park visitors are happy with the car-free painting scheme and the added pedestrian space. Only a small number responding negatively.
Advocates Slam Prospect Park Striping as a Half Measure
The Department of Transportation heralded its completion of its repainting of Prospect Park's East Drive, but the measure to give pedestrians more marked space barely scratched the surface of what advocates sought.
DOT Adding Badly Needed Upgrade To Parkside Avenue Bike Lane But Delays Other Life-Saving Fixes
The Department of Transportation will make it safer to turn off of and access the Parkside Avenue bike protected bike lane, but the city is still making neighborhoods south of Prospect Park wait for new protected bike lanes.