Friday Video
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Friday Video: Welcome to the ‘War on Cars’
Here's a pithy, witty, concise synopsis of why cars suck from the makers of America's best-loved podcast.
Friday Video: A ‘Concrete’ Plan for Better Bike Lanes from DOT
Sometimes progress goes forward as promised.
Friday Video: ‘Where My Bus At?’
A group of Kentucky kids wrote a viral song about how the national school bus driver shortage is impacting them — with some impressive choreo to match.
Friday Video: ‘Car Kryptonite’ in Providence
See it! If you want to slow down drivers, you need to put things in the road.
Friday Video: Are We All Living in a ‘Carspiracy’?
How does "car-brain" shape the way we think about the world — even in relatively bike-friendly countries like the U.K.?