The big story yesterday was the poll that showed that voters, especially city Democrats, are warming to congestion pricing, meaning that the tolling plan may be finally leaving the so-called "Valley of Political Death."
We weighed in early, but stories quickly came in from the Daily News, amNY, and Patch.
But yesterday was also an exceptionally busy day on the streets beat, so let's get to it:
- The day started with a great Times op-ed about illegal police parking by Nicole Gelinas that hit all the Streetsblog high notes. We're looking forward to NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch making headway on the issue soon.
- Everyone also covered the release of a city report that basically said it'll be too expensive to cap the Cross-Bronx Expressway, though coverage in the Daily News, amNY and was anodyne. Read Streetsblog, please.
- Hard to believe, but the Post took ex-Gov. Cuomo's e-bike registration bill completely at face value, even reporting the would-be mayor's errors. As you might imagine, we had a different angle.
- The driver of an unplated Postal Service vehicle (spoiler alert: they are all unplated, and therefore untraceable) drove over and seriously injured a woman in Queens. (NY Post)
- And, finally, we don't love the Yankees, but this is sad news for any lover of the game. (NY Post)