We all do it, but, as Streetsblog's series on "jaywalking" proves, only blacks and Hispanics get caught for it.
Cartoonist Bill Roundy puts police bias at the center of today's visual editorial, focusing the issue as only he can: on a street full of people crossing illegally, we know who the cops are going to pick out for punishment.
This is no mere overstatement. According to the city's own stats, 90 percent of "illegal crossing" tickets issued to pedestrians last year went to people identified on summonses as black or Hispanic — though they comprise just 55 percent of the population. And 53 percent of the tickets went to people 25 and under — even though they comprise just 7 percent of the population.
Cops. Amirite?
Bill Roundy is Streetsblog’s editorial cartoonist. His work is archived here.
City & State NY is hosting a full day New York in Transit summit on Jan. 30 at the Museum of Jewish Heritage. This summit will bring together experts to assess the current state of New York’s transportation systems, break down recent legislative actions, and look towards the future of all things coming and going in New York. Join Keynote Speaker Polly Trottenberg, commissioner of the NYC Department of Transportation, along with agency leaders, elected officials, and advocates. Use the code STREETSBLOG for a 25-percent discount when you RSVP here!