- De Blasio to Announce Car-Free Sections of Central and Prospect Parks This Morning (Capital, Vine)
- Mayor Nominates Ydanis Rodriguez, Veronica Vanterpool, David Jones to MTA Board (WNYC)
- Meanwhile, Cuomo Under Fire for Not Reappointing S.I.'s Allen Cappelli (Advance, Post, News)
- Tony Shorris: Albany Is "Amazingly Irresponsible" for Failing to Act on MTA Capital Program (Post)
- Senate Passes Gianaris Bill to Crack Down on Unlicensed Drivers Who Injure or Kill (TL)
- Jimmy Van Bramer Stands Up for Subsidized Parking in Long Island City (DNA)
- Queens CB 1 Backs Astoria Neighborhood Slow Zone Plan (DNA)
- Bklyn CB 9 Considers DOT Proposal for Ped Island, Other Changes at Parkside and Ocean Ave (DNA)
- Gary Roth: Is the Taxi Medallion System Past Its Useful Life? (Chelsea Now)
- Developers Hope to Spruce Up 6½ Avenue, Midtown's Mid-Block Walkway (WSJ)
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