- Transpo Unmentioned in Final Mayoral Debate; de Blasio Leads Lhota, 65-26, in Q Poll (NYT, CapNY)
- After Rejecting Petrosino Lawsuit, Judge Rules for City in Village Bike-Share Station Case (Post)
- Two Brownstone Brooklyn Precincts Issued Zero Speeding Tickets Last Month (News)
- Driver Topples School Bus in Area Rejected for Slow Zone; Residents Complain of Speeding (Advance)
- Council Approves SI Wheel and Mall After Last-Minute Deal, Including Transpo Agreements (Advance)
- Flushing Commons, Where EDC Required Massive Parking Garage, Delayed Again (Crain's)
- Parked Car Catches Fire, Which Spreads to Home, Killing Four in Mount Vernon (NYT, News)
- People Trip or Ride Over Wheel Stops at Bike-Share Stations and WCBS and DNA Are On It
- Minneapolis Bike-Share Claims Supplier Bixi in Breach of Contract (Montreal Gazette, Atlantic Cities)
- Straphangers Campaign Finds Rats, Graffiti, Missing Tiles in Rating of Subway Platforms (WCBS, News)
- Residents Complain About Street Change After Other Complaints Led City to Fix the Status Quo (DNA)
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