Many thanks to the 90 readers who sent photos of city life and car-free transportation with children, and also to the 639 of you who voted. We are happy to announce the two winners of a free Breezer bike.
This picture of Dave Cowan's daughter, Isabelle, ran away with 259 votes -- an impressive 41 percent of the total.
Dave's friend Danielle Anderson took the picture, but the credit for Isabelle's precocious riding skills goes to Dave, a Safe Routes to School advocate in Denver, Colorado. He says Isabelle started riding at a young age on the back his Surly Big Dummy longtail, and then on a bakfiets when her little sister was born. In fact, Dave and his wife, Sarah -- who doesn't even consider herself a bicyclist -- biked Isabelle to daycare and then to the hospital to deliver Isabelle's sister, since it happened to be Bike to School Day!