It's a packed calendar this week. Highlights include a state hearing on the Putnam Rail Trail, meetings for better bus service on Utica Avenue, a chance to speak up for complete streets on the Upper West Side, and community board meetings for bike corrals, bike lanes, and pedestrian improvements in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Thursday is the opening night party for ARTCRANK, a celebration of bicycling and bike culture featuring handmade posters by local artists, hosted by Bike Habitat at their Soho store. Thanks to ARTCRANK and Bike Habitat, proceeds will benefit the work we do at Streetsblog and Streetfilms to keep you posted about the latest in livable streets. The Streetsblog NYC team will be there enjoying the artwork and the Widmer Brothers beer, and if you RSVP before the event, you could win a Bike Habitat gift card.
- Monday: A Parks Department plan to pave the Putnam Rail Trail must receive a permit from the state Department of Environmental Conservation before construction can begin. Tonight, DEC is holding a hearing on the permit. Advocates for paving the trail are leading a ride to the hearing, which begins at 6:00 p.m.
- Tuesday: DOT is presenting plans to improve pedestrian, bus, and livery car circulation at Broadway Junction at Brooklyn CB 5's transportation committee. 6:00 p.m.
- Also Tuesday: On the Upper West Side, CB 7's transportation committee looks at the potential for complete streets on Amsterdam Avenue, Broadway, Central Park West, West End Avenue, and Riverside Drive, and will discuss the results of a pedestrian safety study for the West 90s. 6:30 p.m.
- More Tuesday: DOT will update Brooklyn CB 8's transportation committee on its design for the North Flatbush Avenue Pedestrian Improvements capital project. 7:00 p.m.
- Even More Tuesday: Brooklyn CB 9 will receive a presentation from DOT on the Utica Avenue Bus Priority & Safety Improvement Study. 7:00 p.m.
- Wednesday: DOT is holding a hearing on proposed changes to rules governing bus lanes. 10:00 a.m.
- Thursday: Join us and our friends at Bike Habitat for the opening night celebration for ARTCRANK, featuring hand-made, bike-inspired posters created by New York artists. Proceeds benefit Streetsblog and Streetfilms. 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The ARTCRANK exhibit continues on Friday from noon to 8 p.m.
- Saturday: Do you ride the B46 bus? Join Riders Alliance for lunch to help win better bus service for Utica Avenue. 12:00 p.m.
- More Saturday: Head out for some of the final Weekend Walks events of the season, in Williamsburg, Bayside, and Hamilton Heights.
Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.