Mark your calendars everybody: Three weeks from today Streetsblog and Streefilms are putting on our annual benefit. We'd love to celebrate with you as we mark a year of progress toward livable streets and look ahead to the changes and challenges to come. Tickets start at $50 and are on sale now.
The theme this year is "Street of Dreams." We'll be honoring City Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito, whose support for better transit and safer walking and biking in her East Harlem district helped usher in a complete streets redesign that residents had dreamed of for years. In the City Council, Mark-Viverito has been a real standout on sustainable transportation issues, going back to her unbridled support for congestion pricing, and we're thrilled to have her join us at the benefit.
We're going to have great food and drink, live music, and a silent auction with tons of prizes. And you can't beat the company -- this is a great chance to meet other Streetsblog and Streetfilms supporters who believe that streets should work for people, not cars.
Thanks to our sponsors for helping us put together a great event: Capital One, Adam White Law, Ride Brooklyn, the Bike Guard bike registry, SmartSign, Kickshaw Cookery, Spider Bite Beer Company, Widmer Brothers Brewing, and a very generous anonymous supporter.
So, come over to WNYC's The Greene Space on Friday, October 26 to support reporting, commentary, and films that make the case for livable streets and sustainable transportation:
44 Charlton St. (at the corner of Varick St.)
7:00-9:30 PM
See you there!

-- Ben and Clarence