The first #bikenyc tweetup happened last Wednesday.
What's a tweetup? It's when a bunch of people who have connected on Twitter get together in the real world. (We're @streetsblog, by the way.) The "#bikenyc" hashtag, as it's called, gives Twitter users an easy way to search for NYC bike-related content on Twitter (more about hashtags here).
So in this case, we were all folks who like both Twitter and biking in New York City, about ten or twelve of us. We met at Bicycle Habitat (thanks for the free water bottles, guys) and then rode over to the West Side bike path via the Prince Street bike lane, ending up at Pier I Cafe for drinks and conversation on a beautiful summer evening. It was pretty sweet. No real agenda, except for enjoying our bikes and our city and each other.
The event was organized by @newamsterdamize (aka @noneck), and it won't be the last. If you're on Twitter, start using and looking for the #bikenyc hashtag. Who knows what could happen next?