A certain sense of entitlement emerges in the UncivilServants comments section. Posted verbatim, no spelling check:
I have no intensions of ever parking legally whenever I am in NYC. It is a perk that has been in standard practice since the end of time. It is not the officer's fault that the NYPD does not supply enough legal parking for its workers. Where are the garages? This is the main reason police officers are given the NYPD parking plaques in the 1st place. I put my life on the line for the ungreatful liberal scum of this city and this is how they repay us. Screw you and you whining. I put up with this for over 20 yrs and now I am owed a certain perk. Yes, I am retired 2 yrs and yes I have a current parking plaque. I answer to no one now that I am retired and thanks to the brotherhood of blue I am assured that I can park anywhere I want with impunity. Every cop in the city is on the same page. We do not summons our own. Take as many pictures of my auto as you like because I answer to no one. God bless retirement and godbless the NYPD!
Comment by Anonymous commenter on Thu, Mar 22 2007 12:10 PM