A roundtable discussion sponsored by the Environmental Partnership for Sustainable Development, featuring presentations by leaders from Central and Eastern Europe in addressing environmental challenges through citizen engagement.
Project for Public Spaces has been partnering with the Czech Environmental Partnership for over ten years. We are enormously impressed with their work as well as their partner organizations from Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovakia. Together they form the Environmental Partnership for Sustainable Development. We invite you to participate in this forum conducted by the EPSD on November 8th. They have much to share regarding issues of sustainable development, greenways, placemaking, and more. They are also looking to open a dialogue with more organizations in the U.S.
This is a very unique opportunity to meet all the partnership directors. The discussion will address the importance of increasing citizen engagement and furthering transatlantic dialogue as ways of addressing the global environmental challenges that now confront us. Space is limited, so please RSVP as soon as you can if you are interested.