We interrupt your hungry consumption of yesterday's coup coverage from Washington because you didn't click on nyc.streetsblog.org to read about the blood that is on Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley's hands, right?
So let's move with all deliberate speed to why you're here: all the crucial, non-presidential, livable streets news:
- We don't speak Catalan (it's on our 2021 resolutions list, we assure you!), but it appears that Barcelona has embarrassed Mayor de Blasio by committing to protecting kids by limiting cars around hundreds of schools. See, this stuff ain't hard, but our mayor has steadfastly refused to even consider the idea when we've raised it with him (Barcelona official website). If you want to see pictures of the easy, life-saving treatments, click on this Dropbox link (that goes for you, Mr. Mayor).
- The Times continued its Jekyll and Hyde act on cycling. Even as it is unable to fully accept that New York needs to become a cycling town, the Paper of Record summoned up Pamela Druckerman to explain how great Paris is now that the City of Lights is the City of Bike Lights. (NY Times)
- New York State is failing jobless Uber and Lyft drivers, a new lawsuit argues. (NY Post)
- The city needs more housing, especially dense housing in already dense, subway-rich areas. The city does not need more parking. But anti-development activists on the Lower East Side would rather have a city parking lot instead of an apartment complex. (Gothamist)
- The Biden Administration (with help from, could it be?, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer) could make cities safer with the stroke of a pen — just by requiring car makers to make cars that are safer, says David Zipper of Bloomberg.