Complete streets advocates received a double dose of good news
this week from Washington, D.C. For the first time ever, complete streets legislation is now introduced in both chambers of Congress,
after the Safe and Complete Streets Act was introduced in the House of
Representatives. Meanwhile, the Senate version of the bill received its
first Republican cosponsor.
Sacramento Democrat Doris Matsui introduced the Safe and Complete
Streets Act of 2008. Unsurprisingly, Matsui's move was praised by
transportation reform advocates, but her office notes that complete streets is popular with more than just bike riders, pedestrians and
transit users. Her press release, the full text of which is available
after the jump, quotes not just leaders of the complete streets
movement but also clean air advocates and the AARP.
Meanwhile, Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman became the first Republican
in either the House or the Senate to cosponsor complete streets legislation. Coleman joins Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA), Dick Durbin
(D-IL), Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Thomas Carper (D-DE) as cosponsor of S. 2686, the Senate version of the Safe and Complete Streets Act. Harkin introduced S. 2686 in early March.
Complete streets laws would insure that all federal transportation
dollars spent on road projects are used to improve conditions for all
potential users of the road: car drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and
transit users. While complete streets has proven controversial
nationally, it has been adopted by several states including California,
Oregon, Illinois, Massachusetts and Virginia.
The League of American Bicyclists has set up an action alert to help people contact their senators in support of S. 2686.
Below, the full text of Matsui's release:
Rep. Doris Matsui Introduces Complete Streets Legislation
Bill Will Increase Options for Travel, Make Roads Accessible to Cyclists and Pedestrians
- Today, Rep. Doris Matsui (CA-05) introduced the Safe and Complete
Streets Act of 2008 to make the nation's roadways accessible to
alternate modes of transportation. Complete streets are designed and
operated to enable safe access to motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and
riders of public transit."Once again, gas prices have hit record highs this week. As American
families continue to feel the pain at the pump due to the skyrocketing
costs of gasoline, they are driving less and less. By diversifying our
roadways, we can provide real alternatives to travel by car," said Rep.
Matsui.The Safe and Complete Streets Act would require states that receive
federal funding for their road improvement projects to implement
complete streets policies. These policies ensure that any new road
construction or rehabilitation efforts would accommodate the safety and
convenience of all users of the transportation system.The bill does not try to establish a one-size-fits-all policy.
Instead, it accounts for variation from one locale to the next by
requiring the projects to fit within the local community context. It
also provides for clearly-established guidelines wherein a single
project could be exempted from the complete streets guidelines, such as
cases of the cost of implementing them would be prohibitive."We have very real challenges facing our country, and they are all
interwoven. We now know that we must change our environmental and
energy policy, and reduce our impact on the planet. By opening up our
roadways to pedestrians and cyclists, we can help ease the congestion
on our nation's roads," said Rep. Matsui.The benefits of complete streets principles are well-documented and broad in scope. Complete streets:
- help increase the capacity of the transportation network by giving people more choices about how they travel
- are cost-effective infrastructure investments, and help avoid costly retrofits
- improve pedestrian safety for the nearly one-third of Americans who do not drive
- encourage healthy and active lifestyles
- fight climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging people to drive less
"We cannot continue our current course, placing undue burdens on our
infrastructure and environment. We must take innovative steps to change
how we live our daily lives, and ensure that we hand over a sustainable
planet to the next generation," said Rep. Matsui.The Safe and Complete Streets Act enjoys broad support:
"AARP greatly appreciates Representative Matsui's leadership in
introducing Complete Streets legislation. Complete streets are safer
and more user-friendly for everyone and help people of all ages and
abilities stay safely connected to their communities."- David Sloane, Senior Vice President of AARP
"The Safe Routes to School National
Partnership is extremely grateful that Rep Matsui has introduced
complete streets legislation. This bill will increase safety on our
nation's roads for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists, and will help
children, who are among the most vulnerable roadway users."- Deb Hubsmith, Director of Safe Routes to School National Partnership
"Complete streets will help people shift short auto trips to walking
and bicycling, and that's essential for reducing pollution and carbon
emissions. We're very pleased to be working with Congresswoman Matsui
on this legislation, and we appreciate her leadership on this important
public health issue."- Larry Greene, Executive Director of the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
"We commend Rep. Matsui for recognizing the importance of making the
best investment possible with our federal transportation dollars.
States and cities across the country have discovered that completing
their streets for all users means safer communities that invite
walking, bicycling, and taking transit - and that can help people cope
with the rising price of gasoline."- Barbara McCann, Coordinator of the National Complete Streets Coalition
The Safe and Complete Streets Act is supported by:
AARP, America Bikes, America Walks, American Planning
Association, American Public Transportation Association, American
Society of Landscape Architects, Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle
Professionals, Breathe California, California Park and Recreation
Society, California WIC Association, Disability Rights Education and
Defense Fund, Easter Seals, Friends of the Earth, League of American
Bicyclists, Local Government Commission, National Center for Bicycling
and Walking, National Recreation and Parks Association, Prevention
Institute, Reconnecting America, Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates,
Safe Kids Greater Sacramento, Safe Routes to School National
Partnership, Smart Growth America, Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food
and Activity Environments, Surface Transportation Policy Partnership,
Thunderhead Alliance, Transportation Alliance, Transportation Equity
Network, Transport Worker's Union, Transportation and Land Use
Coalition, Trust for America's Health, WALKSacramento, YMCA of the USA
Photo of a complete street in High Springs, Florida: Dan Burden